Natural air fresheners are made fromnon-toxicmaterials that are safe for you and your family. Unlike traditional air fresheners, they don't release harmful pollutants or allergens into the air. By choosing natural options, you're also making an eco-friendly choice that benefits the planet. The...
you think of them. Inside a home is a little different. The smell of a home literally imprints itself into your mind, like a signature on paper. That’s why I refer to it as ascent signaturebecause it’s a unique scent stamp of that particular...
Lemon or lime juice is a strong natural degreaser in the kitchen. 2 You can even use the peels left over to de-funk your disposal.* Houseplants: the vital "green" air freshener The world's great forests are often called "the lungs of the planet" because of their ability to clean and...
Natural air fresheners with beeswax You can also make wax air fresheners with beeswax instead of soy wax. In the past, I used white beeswax to make these rose-scented wax sachets. Beeswax’ mild honey scent complements many essential oils blended into it, which is especially wonderful for fa...
Monica writes:“I love when I can open windows to get the air flowing” #6: Use THIS Carpet Freshener Before Vacuuming… Carpets have a way of attracting odors and not wanting to let go, don’t they? Well this simple little all-natural carpet freshener will keep your carpets and throw...
, if you prefer to make vegan DIY air fresheners, you can substitute the beeswax in this recipe forcandelilla wax, which melts at around 154°F. Just keep in mind that candelilla wax is yellow. Therefore its natural color will have an impact on your finished DIY wax air fresheners....
DIY Natural is dedicated to helping you create natural homemade cleaners, DIY beauty products, and more. We are your partner in health and natural living!
Not to scare you (BOO!), but the chemicals found in most air fresheners and candles are absolutely terrifying. From carcinogens to elements that irritate airways, most chemical ‘fresheners’ are anything but fresh. While I love my diffuser for clearing the air, there’s another natural way...
Homemade Tub And Tile Natural Cleaner To clean a tub and tile of soap scum, rub in baking soda with a damp sponge and rinse with fresh water. For tougher cleanings fill a spray bottle with vinegar. Spray the tub and tile Wipe down the vinegar ...
ApplicationGreat for use on furniture, awnings, umbrellas, camping supplies, office cubicles, material, RV's, boats, carpets, cloth car interiors, wood, silk, leather and more. Product Description YULCHEMI FABRIC PAINTis a permanent aerosol fabric paint, not a dye. It is n...