防蚊的精油大多數用檸檬草、百里香、薄荷、迷迭香和香茅, 這都是蚊最討厭的味道,當中驅蚊效果最明顯的是香茅。 ▲ Step 1 倒入7ml酒精入空瓶 ▲ Step 2 滴2滴茶樹油、2滴薰衣草精油、8滴香茅精油入瓶 ▲ Step 3 搖晃,令精油與酒精更加均勻 ▲ Step 4 倒入蒸餾水43ml ▲ Step 5 貼上標籤 ✬ ✬ ✬...
Making a Homemade Mosquito Repellent with Essential Oils For today’s project, I decided to use three essential oils scents to make my homemade mosquito spray – peppermint, eucalyptus and lemon oil. Ticks and fleas are not so problematic at my home, so I chose the oils that are known to...
I’m pretty sure summer insects are very attracted to my skin, I always have a ton of mosquito bites every year. My kids also love to play outside, and their sticky skin is also very prone to getting lots of bites. As I have been (slowly) making the transition to a moregreenandnat...
For the baby, I only spray his clothes, not his skin. If you like this DIY post you might also like my recipe for All-Purpose Cleaner.DIY Bug Repellent Spray with Essential Oils DIY Created By: Anna Summer time means more time outdoors. Keep the bugs at bay with this DIY Bug ...
How do you use essential oils as mosquito repellent? You can either make a spray-on homemade natural bug repellent or a rub-on. This post will show you how to make either option step-by-step! Will this essential oil for mosquitoes repellent cause skin irritation? If you’re concerned abo...
Looking to get rid of mosquitoes? Explore these home remedies for mosquitoes to learn what works and what is a myth when it comes to keeping mosquitoes away.
How to Make a Mosquito Bait Homemade DIY Windshield Washer Fluid: How to Make Easy DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner Effective DIY Fruit Fly Trap DIY Dry Shampoo with Simple Ingredients Homemade DIY Oven Cleaner Homemade DIY Disinfectant Spray Recipe DIY Roman Shades for A Custom Look Making Your Own...
another great use for skin so soft is as a bug repellent. I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE IT. Smells good too……….. Please log in or create a free account to comment. Ellen May 27, 2014 at 3:04 pm I have used the Skin-So-Soft method as a mosquito repellent and found it works okay...
Have you been searching for a non-toxic DIY bug spray recipe...that actually works? I have the easy and effective recipe right here for you!