简易照度计DIY,Light Meter Circuit 关键字:简易照度计DIY 简易照度计DIY 照度是受照平面上接受的光通量的面密度。照度计是用于测量被照面上的光照度的仪器。 跟动辄几千元的商用照度计相比,这个成本不足15元的简易照度计,其超值程度可想而知了。 这个玩具级的照度计作好以后,我都能想到怎么用,第一件事儿就是...
Here's FM transmitter for commercial FM band that provides 18 watts of power. Since the electronic diagram is too large we decided to divide it into two parts. The first part is the actual FM transmitter while the second part is 18W RF amplifier. The circuit should be built on an epoxy ...
In the previous steps, I have explained the function of each of the components in the circuit. Before jump to make the final board, test the circuit on a breadboard first. If the circuit works perfectly on the breadboard, then move to solder the components on the prototype board. I used ...
// 对于 Wemos / Lolin D1 Mini Pro 和环境光防护罩,使用 Wire.begin(D2, D1); lightMeter.begin(); Serial.println(F("BH1750 测试开始")); } 无效循环(){ 浮动勒克斯 = lightMeter.readLightLevel(); 浮动irr = (lux*0.0079); Serial.print("辐照度:"); 序列号.print(irr); Serial.println(...
This circuit utilizes to charge Rechargeable 12V Lead Acid Batteries with a rating in the scope … Read more How to make a 12 Volt Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit Afzal Rehmani 32,014 views Overview In the world of electronics and IoT (Internet of Things), measuring distance is a ...
Ammeter is a great addition to any Laboratory Power Supply as it will allow you measure the current consumption and help determine if there are any problems with the circuit that you are building or testing. This amper meter is capable of measuring the current consumption from 1mA up to 10A...
DIY Kit Red Chinese Knot Analog Electronic Circuit, LED Light Kits for Soldering Skill Practice and Learning $3.49$4.99 LED Electronic Windmill Water Flowing Light Electronic DIY Kits for Beginners $3.49$4.99 DIY Kit SMD RGB LED Flashing Lamp, USB 5V Breathing Light, Gr...
turn left and right. So four push buttons would be enough to accomplish this. But if you want to have better user experience, a joystick would be better. If there is a canon on the tank, you probably also want a button for shooting. If there is a head light, you will need a toggl...
Huh. The performance was inconsistent and the light circuit seemed to be picking up a ton of noise. After a bit of deliberation, I decided that the way I was sampling audio was really not ideal. It was at this point where I made a really dumb mistake – a particularly catchy tune was...
A unique feature of the circuit is that no battery is needed to operate the circuit since power is taken from the telephone line.Special Edition Accurate LC Meter Kit with Green Backlight LCD Build your own LC Meter and start making custom made coils and inductors. This LC Meter allows ...