Back 6 years ago, when my first born was little, I was invited to aBusy Bag Party. In case you haven’t heard of that the host invites a certain number of people. There were 9 in our exchange (a WONDERFUL number to be able to buy/make in bulk without being too daunting!) Each ...
This easy experiment is great for children to do on their own, and fun to observe how the egg changes over time. Want to explore more kitchen science experiments? Explore the tastier side of learning with Science of Cooking: Ice Cream from the KiwiCo Store!
Empty food containers with lids (margarine, sour cream, yogurt, etc.). Wine box bladder: Once you’ve finished the wine, remove the bladder, take off the nozzle, rinse bladder out well then pour in water (only 3/4 full) and a couple tablespoons of salt (so it won’t form a rock ...
these say, “I love your breasts so much I had to commemorate them with a high calorie treat.” If you’re a woman, the cookies say, “Just to remind you how amazing my breasts are, take
But from time to time, I like to indulge in some cookies or Indian sweets or ice cream. And there it is. I follow this meal plan pretty much to the T everyday. Weekends, I am lazier and eat out a little more those days, but I am giving myself the luxury to just eat what I...
Father's Day Gifts Current Time0:00 Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Father's Day Gifts The Best Gifts for Men 50 Best Gifts for All Kinds of Dads 55 Best Father's Day Gifts to Shop on Amazon 45 Unique Last-Minute Father's Day Gifts...
Items in your pantry like baking soda, vinegar, cream of tartar, lemon juice, and even tea bags, can work as The 8 Best Window Cleaning Hacks That Really Work Want sparkling windows without hiring a pro? These eight tried-and-true window cleaning hacks will make your glass gleam! From...
After the hike we dropped down into the small town of Occidental before making our way to Mimi’s Ice Cream in Sebastopol to top off an excellent day with Mimi’s Mud (Mallory’s favorite flavor of ice cream). A beautiful start to our three day weekend. ...
this reminds me of ice cream… badass ice cream with studs, of course. 5.15.12 Reply Abbie K :) wrote: These are so creative and cute!! Love em! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 5.15.12 Reply melissa wrote: So clever and cute! 5.15.12 Reply Julia wrote: love these! 5.15.12 ...
Ice Cream Summerby Peter Sis: This is such a cute story of a little boy who writes a letter to his grandfather about all his adventures during the summer. Interestingly, all of his summer activities seem to involve ice cream in some way. He practices his math, spelling, reading, and ev...