I have followedCurly Proverbzfor about a year now and she is known for her super long thick hair. Along with great hair practices, she shared a video with her hair growth oil recipe. Whenever the words growth and oil end up in the same sentence there are a few oils that have ...
All Natural Hair De-tangler
2. Green Coconut Detangling Deep Conditioning Hair Mask Here's another great recipe for weak, fragile locks and hair growth. In a blender, mix one avocado, 1/4 cup of coconut milk, 1/4 cup of coconut oil, and a tablespoon of avocado oil. Next add 10 drops...
Mixhoneyandolive oilin a small bowl. Apply to hair, working in sections if needed, until fully masked in honey mixture. Allow to rest on your hair for 20-30 minutes. Use ashower capif desired to avoid the mask from dripping on you. Rinse with warm water and a mildshampoo. RECIPE NOTE...
Irritated of Rough Hair Hair 103440March 19, 2021 DIY Lip Tint Recipe! Makeup 54928June 10, 2019 Acne scar remedy? Skin Care 204804March 30, 2021 Any good recipes out there for aging skin? Skin Care 95053March 25, 2021 Should I moisturize if I have really oil skin?
Carrot Juice & Aloe Vera Hair Growth Spray Recipe You'll Need: Carrots Aloe vera juice Spray bottle Tea tree oil Directions: Start by washing your carrots well. Put them through a juicer. If you don't have a juicer, you can also cut your carrots into small pieces and place in the ble...
Strawberry hair mask recipe A homemade strawberry hair mask is quite promising for soft and shiny hair. Strawberry works amazingly for greasy and oily hair, but in case you have a dry scalp and want to prevent it from over-drying, use it with oil for best results. ...
83. All-Natural Hair Serum for Frizzy Hair 84. DIY Hair Serum for Hair Growth 85. DIY Strengthening Hair Mist 86. DIY Hair Detangler Spray 87. Lavender and Rosemary Hair Detangler Spray Hair Styling: 88. Homemade Hair Gel Recipe 89. DIY Hair Pomade 90. DIY Hair Gel Recipe 91. DIY Hai...
1 dropsweet orange essential oil 1⁄4 cup (60 ml)hydrosolor distilled water Directions for Making DIY Hair Detangler: This detangling spray recipe yields 2 oz. (60 mL.) In a small 2-ounce (60-ml) spray bottle, combine the jojoba oil and essential oils. ...
Castor Oil: Known to promote hair growth, adding a few drops of castor oil can potentially boost lash growth over time. Vitamin E: For added nourishment, consider adding a drop or two of vitamin E oil. It acts as a natural preservative, slightly extending the mascara's shelf life, and ...