This homemade deep hair conditioner is easy to make and will leave your hair soft, smooth, and chemical free.
It's easy to make your own diy leave-in conditioner recipes for silky hair! Here are 3 recipes for all hair types!
We tried the best DIY hair mask recipes for dandruff, frizzy hair, curls, greasy hair that really work at home. Check out these easy homemade masks, here.
Witch hazel is great for dry, itchy scalp too. Just massage it into the scalp and let it sit for about 30 minutes. It can help to remove the dry flakes from the scalp. Then, just wash it and use a regular conditioner and then this DIY Hair Detangler to get the tangles out. Hair...
This DIY natural hair conditioner made with shea butter is guaranteed to make your hair soft and tangle-free!
此款自製深層修護護髮素製作容易,並能予您一頭柔順亮麗的秀髮。 準備材料 3湯匙椰子油 1湯匙橄欖油 8滴doTERRA精油 對頭髮能展現絕佳功效的精油包含: 薰衣草, 薄荷,迷迭香,天竺葵和快樂鼠尾草。 您可以於深層修護護髮素配方中添加一種或上述全部精油。 立即購買薰衣草 製作步驟 將椰子油...
Yogurt-Honey* hair masks are commonly used as a hair treatment or deep conditioner*. It has anti-frizz properties, adds shine, softens hairs, and is great for adding hydration and life back to your strands. Yogurt contains probiotics that contribute to a healthy scalp as well as ...
This is the type of ingredient that will add moisture to one’s hair. People with dry or damaged hair will need richer humectants than those with naturally oily hair. Some commonly used humectants for DIY conditioner include: Cocoa butter ...
Frizzy Hair Problem:The humidity rises, and you look like you stuck your finger in an electric socket. Solution:If you don't like the look, you can tame the frizzies with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Before you style, smooth an anti-frizz serum or cream on wet hair. Use a ...
After a swim or before going to the beach, it is advisable to use natural conditioner to prevent your hair from getting damaged. Rinse your hair with a mixture of 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 3/4 cup of water. This will help in protecting the hair from harsh water. 7Wrap Wet...