2004年STI的Bolt Pattern(轴头)是5X100,和86一样,所以前轮刹车盘可以直接装上。2005年以及之后的STi Bolt Pattern是5X114,所以要么刹车盘重新钻孔(不推荐),要么买原本便打了两种孔位的刹车盘——比如DBA4000/5000。后轮需要切割Dust Shield(防尘罩),当时切的时候车库里都是火星,很好看,可惜没拍下来。 刹车液方面...
Well if the answer is Yes to any of those questions then you are at the right place!. We are going to look into making small FM Transmitter for Hobby Purposes with a really basic component guide and components that are readily available off the shelf. BLF147 150W VHF Amplifier Posted on...
DIY Touch Sensor: This is a short instructable on how to use the Qprox IC (QT113G) as a touch sensor. Using this IC, you can essentially turn any object into a touch switch. This simple circuit may be hooked up to a microcontroller (in this case I used t
As we need to interconnect all the ground wires and 5v wires together in order to power our Arduino, Raspberry Pi, LEDs and logic shifter we will use two small wiring blocks. I used the Wago ones listed in the BOM at the start of this guide, they're really compact which is ideal for...