As summer approaches most of us can’t wait to get outside in the garden but could yours do with a revamp? Are you looking for a bit of inspiration and some new DIY garden challenges and ideas? Well, look no further because here are 25 cracking ideas to inspire your garden this ...
If you are good at doing DIY stuff you don’t need to spend a lot of money to have awesome furniture for your outdoor space. Check out these 20DIY garden furniture ideasfor inspiration. Check out our article on indoor plants furniture garden ideashere! DIY Garden Furniture Ideas 1. DIY ...
A simple garden trellis can be used for more than just climbing plants. You can use a trellis to cover up an ugly wall, use it as a fence to hide an ugly feature, you can even use a trellis as a privacy screen if you are fed up with sharing everything with your nosey neighbours....
Get your home garden ready for the season with these 27 DIY garden ideas all done on a budget. From raised garden beds, to vertical gardens and more.
8. Freestanding Vertical Garden Ideas Lattice and planter box vertical garden ©wagner_md – If you don’t have a wall or a fence in your yard. Or if you just don’t want to attach things to the wall, building a freestanding vertical garden may be the way to go. ...
I mentioned it to Scott one day and showed him the spot in the kitchen where I thought a vertical garden would be perfect. The idea quickly took off from there! Planning Our Wall Herb Garden After throwing around some ideas, we decided to do three shelves on the wall in our kitchen ...
These 30 DIY wall art ideas. will help you personalize your walls with art just the way you like it. There’s no better way to express yourself than through artwork that you create yourself, here are 30 DIY Homemade Wall Art Ideas you can create....
A Garden Theme can work in any room of the home Here are a few DIY Projects and decorating ideas to further help you create a fun garden theme in your bedroom,playroom, bathroom, study, and looks especially great in a laundry. Create a colorful theme suitable for littlegirls,andbabygirls...
Get 40 cheap DIY herb garden ideas with step by step instructions and diagram to build your own hern planter for indoor and outdoor!
So now that you’re jazzed about buying or building your own vertical garden at home, let’s give you lots of ideas for different options for your new “grown-up” garden! These are all DIY options, so anyone can make them. If you’d rather buy than DIY, no worries! Skip to the ...