So that's who I am and what this blog is all about! Self reliance, do it yourself, refinishing old furniture, re-purposing old pieces or building it from scratch instead of buying new and saving money every step of the way!
Framing lumber tends to be VERY rough, so the sanding was definitely the worst part of this whole thing. Nora and I just switched on and off when our arms began to feel like Jell-O, and it probably took about an hour (maybe more) for each countertop. We started with 60 grit sandpape...
Rental Refresh: Big Bangs in Small Projects :: New Faucets and Countertop Paint for a Vanity Redo Make-Maintain-Fix Our long time tenant, let’s call her Pam, moved (actually buying a home with the help of real estate agent Mrs Moxie). She had been with us for her second stint of....
This project is all about setting up a dressing table in your master closet. It’s for people who do not want to deal with a messy bathroom sink countertop. The positioning of the table must be determined after assessing the window positioning and natural lighting situation. Invariably, corner...
I can fit all of my jars easily on one sheet of galvanized metal, with room to expand! I now have a clear countertop…it looks so much less cluttered than it did, and I can still access all of my spices and utensils! Other Kitchen Organizing Ideas You Might Like ...
The ship-lap around the fireplace is fairly inoffensive, but still not really my style1 so that will come down at some point. The countertop and cabinets in the bar are pretty dated. I’d like to completely replace the countertop, but hopefully we can just swap out the cabinet doors and...
The next step in the upstairs remodel was refinishing the floors. Kevin previouslywove salvaged flooring into the existing boards, so now we have actual flooring throughout the upstairs. We decided to do the work one room at a time — moving all the furniture to one side and then the other...
They have two different products that are designed as countertop finishing kits, and they’re awesome ones called Spread Stone, and one’s called Lux Rock. And I’m actually doing a project myself right now with the Lux ROC products. Now the...
You may be tempted to assume that replacing your sink or installing a new countertop is the most expensive aspect of a kitchen remodel. Nonetheless, studies show that the construction of new cabinets takes up the bulk of a kitchen renovation budget. The national average cost of kitchen cabinet...