Quality Analysercircuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/interfacing-sharp-gp2y1014au0f-sensor-with-arduino-to-build-air-quality-analyzerDIY Air Quality Monitor with Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F Sensorcreate.arduino.cc/projecthub/mircemk/diy-air-quality-monitor-with-sharp-gp2y1010au0f-sensor-7b...
we will get values from the last 24 hours from that sensor. There’s also a dimming function through which we can lower the brightness of the display or even turn it off completely. This is convenient, for example, if we want to track the air quality in our bedroom...
voidloop{// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:if(stateflag ==1) {air_test;stateflag =0;}}voidair_test{Serial.print("Sensor value: ");servo_2.detach;intdata=sensor.getValue;Serial.println(data);intquality = sensor.slope;if(quality == AirQualitySensor::FORCE_SIGNAL) {Serial....
方块图(2) [相关器件] ZMOD4410 Firmware Configurable Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Sensor with Embedded Artificial Intelligence (AI) 立即购买 今天,我将展示如何使用ESP8266和INA226电流传感器构建此功率计 我已经用ESPHome构建了代码 它们可以测量1mA至100Amp的电流和高达100VDC的电压,而且非常精确,是的,它还可以...
Zigbee automation technology Door Window Detector Sensor Wireless Door Contact for Home $12.96-19.86 查看商品详情 有用(0) 供应商详情 Shenzhen Heiman Technology Co., Ltd. 10 年企业所在地 CN 回复时间 ≤7h 查看更多产品查看企业简介 供应商的产品说明 ...
An DIY all in one air quality monitor and environment detector powered by ESPHome, includes metrics such as PM2.5, PM10, CO2, Luminance, Temperature, Humidity and Barometric Pressure. - ohdarling/AirCube
Plantower PMS7003 Air Quality Sensor Get the one with a connector and a bridge board. Should look exactly like this: Bosch BME280 Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor Make sure to get the BME280 and not the cheaper BMP280. There are variants with 6 pins, and if you find them to be cheap...
air_quality, wind_speed, wind_direction, sunrise, sunset, clouds = get_weather_data(latitude, longitude, API_Key)ifwifi_connected:# Evaluate environmental advance conditions based on sensor and internet datarating, message = evaluate_advance_conditions(current_time, temperature, humidity, uv_intensit...
Sharp Dust Sensor and Arduino Dylos DC1100 Pro Air Quality HVAC Talk about DC1100 Grove Dust Sensor Dust sensor spec Seed Grove Dust Sensor Grove Dust sensor Wiki 声明: 本项目仅仅是用于实验目的。用户需要自行承担组装,安装,使用的义务。提供的电路设计没有任何的保证,作者也不保证设备将在任何特定场合...
Presented PIC temperature meter with thermostat uses very exciting DS1820 1-Wire digital temperature sensor. Unlike regular sensors where temperature readings are passed as varying voltage, DS1820 passes temperature information in a digital format as data. This brings many new possibilities and enables...