美国的Juice Cleanse,通过喝新鲜的蔬果汁来达到排毒清肠瘦身的目的。这个Juice Cleanse的核心是要按照顺序在一天内喝完6瓶蔬果汁,每瓶(500ml)之间间隔约2个小时。在此期间不能饮用任何含有咖啡因的饮品,decaf的咖啡也不行。 如果想要达到最好的效果,那么同时断食。疗程结束之后逐渐恢复正常饮食。不同的排毒疗程持续天数...
DIY Juice Cleanse at Home | Recipe #1... Glow Getter Green Detox JuiceDIY Juice Cleanse at Home | Recipe ... Glow Getter Green Detox JuiceThese ingredients have their own nutritional benefits...
I was able to do the full juice cleanse without consuming anything else for the first 2 days, but by the final day, I was dying of something more savory so I made araw tortilla soupfor lunch to satisfy my taste buds. That said, this DIY Blueprint cleanse is actually quite doable, es...
Exploring the realm ofDIY charcoal face masksintroduces you to an array ofdetoxifying recipesdesigned to rejuvenate your skin. These homemade concoctions, known for their potential to cleanse deeply, offer a personalized skincare experience. With ingredients easily found at home or local stores, maki...
The best DIY hair masks, including homemade hair masks for hair growth and thickness, curly, thin, dry, damaged, bleached, oily, shiny and frizzy hair.
Recently though, I discovered that not just soap or baking soda can be used to cleanse the hair. It’s All About That PH I don’t know the exact ph of this homemade DIY shampoo recipe, but I do know it’s not highly alkaline like baking soda. The ph levels of each ingredient are...
Acids. Specificallyapple cider vinegar, lemon juice, orwhey. Oils. Nourishing natural oils likeolive oil,coconut oil,vitamin E oil,jojoba oil, andargan oilare the most common. Butters likeshea butterandcocoa butterwork as well. Foods: Surprisingly a lot of everyday foods nourish the hair as ...
From food recipes to DIY, it is constantly out on my counter. The scale I had been using was on its last legs. Actually, truth be told, it had lost its legs a few months ago. Haha!No, seriously…the legs fell off!!! So, when I had the chance to review a new scale, I jumped...
Egg in itself is a great binder that doesn’t need other components. The yolk has an abundance of proteins, fats, and healthy vitamins that the hair needs. The yolk has a moisturizing effect on the hair, while the egg whites cleanse the scalp – thanks to the bacteria-eating enzymes it...
Bothmilk and honey are excellent ingredientsfor promoting hydration. Honey also has antibacterial properties, so it’ll help cleanse the face. All you need to do is mix 1 tablespoon of each. Then apply to your face for 20 minutes before rinsing off. ...