It takes two to make a marriage and two to end it. It is amazing to me that in this hurt, sadness, and time that I need my friends the most, they automatically took the side of my soon to be ex-spouse…the military member. I feel like I’ve been made the bad guy all of a ...
tax assistance, and active military or veterans benefits. how to apply for divorced spouse social security benefits you can file for social security benefits online, over the phone, or in person at a local social security administration office. you may need to produce these documents when you ap...
No one gets married preparing to get divorced, so many newly divorced people are unprepared for the tax rules that they may now be subject to. Watch this TurboTax tax tip video for a few things to think about if you've gotten divorced.
3. Help a person avoid feeling tired and burned out. But saying thank you does something else, too: it benefits the thanker. When you thank someone, it makes you feel like you just did a really good thing. In essence, you gave that person the well-deserved gifts of validation and sel...