explicit emails, etc. Gut feelings do not work with the courts, and an admission of guilt by one party is not enough without other independent evidence. Direct proof, such as photos, video, or recorded conversations and indirect proof, such hotel or credit card records must be supplied to ...
Keep records of time spent with your grandchildren, including photos, gifts, or messages, to demonstrate the strength of your bond. This evidence can be helpful if legal intervention becomes necessary. Attempt Mediation Before pursuing legal action, consider mediation to resolve conflicts with your ad...
According to the records of the First Church of Salem, Old Captain More had been for many years “under suspicion and a common fame of lasciviousness at least some degree of incont[in]ency.” Sundry brethren and elders spoke to him several times about his debauchery. However, they had no...
How are assets divided in a divorce in NY? When it comes to divorce in New York, the distribution of assets is handled in a way that is deemed “most fair” to both parties, rather than being split down the middle as in a community property state. The courts take into account various...
Keep all financial records or other possible evidence. Don’t move or try to hide evidence or assets. Keep your perspective, try to stay reasonable, and communicate with your attorney regularly. Divorce is never easy, but with the assistance of an informed matrimonial attorney, it is likely th...
And recently, in that I’d just learned that colleges look for near-flawless attendance records, and that until now Elihu’s visits to his father often carved off several days each semester, I’d said to my ex that we’d need to see to it that Elihu didn’t miss any extra days ...
Thus, the analysis of divorce choice requires departing from the steady-state analysis: endogenous divorce decisions depend on the quality of potential partners, which in turn depends on which individuals marry and leave the marriage market. Hence, the changes in the distribution of singles affect ...
Each spouse is legally obligated to exchange financial records at least 10 days prior to the scheduled preliminary conference. These financial statements will serve as a roadmap for how property will be divided and how spousal or child support will be calculated by the court. Attending a Prelimina...
Specializing in cross-jurisdictional investigations, we seamlessly transition between roles as strategic advisors and attorneys of record Extensive track records of helping high-asset couples mediate their proceedings A small, dedicated team of experienced family law professionals Contact Adria Today. Und...
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