Determinants of Divorce in India and its Impact on Partners and Family: A Sociological AnalysisKumari, VinodPrasad, KushagraMahakIAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review
But like many women over 50 who seemingly have everything to lose, Mary pushed forward with the divorce anyway. “Gray divorce”—the term for separations that occur over the age of 50—is, with older couples separating at twice the rate they did in the 1990s (the rate is triple for th...
when a mom is suffering with postpartum depression or anxiety her partner is confused, unsure of how to help, angry, and disappointed. And the moms don’t always know how to explain their challenges to him/her in a way that will benefit the strength of the marriage or partnership because ...
A divorce, occurring for any reason, is a painful event for families and those closely affected, and the phenomenon is increasingly taking place in almost every society at a growing rate [7]. Decades of research focusing on the impact of the family on the health and well-being of children...