Conservative Christians -- who see marriage under attack from infidelity and divorce, from common-law and same-sex unions -- are increasingly taking to the bedrooms in a stirring and often joyfully kinky defence of the institution. Bedrooms, in fact, are the least of it. Kitchens are hot. S...
Research has shown a rising divorce rate and reasons as to why this may be the case. Some of these reasons are women's independence, economic issues, infidelity, and finally role confusion. Divorce has negative effects on children especially in areas such as school work, behavior, social and...
Clearly your wife does care about you looking at porn, and in her mind she views it similar to infidelity. She’s going to interpret this as you not caring about the marriage or about her own fidelity. What most men don’t realize is that everybody faces temptation, including your wife...
The infidelity rate goes down for women in their 70s while staying high for men even after 80 (24%). How Many Unfaithful Spouses End Up Regretting Divorce After an Affair? Kate Cohen-Posey, a mental health counselor, says that “80% of those who part due to infidelity regret their divo...
Unhappiness is, legally, a good enough reason. There are several causes that are still amongst the most common. These include infidelity, spousal abuse, lack of emotional support, addictions that put strain on the marriage, and even midlife crises. ...
marriage结;infidelity不信神;breakup崩溃;spousal礼;marital姻的;break-up解冻;married已的,有配偶的;probate遗嘱认证;custody拘留;adultery通奸,通奸行为;spouse配偶; 词组| 习惯用语 divorce rate 率 divorce from ; divorce court 法庭 英语例句库 1.This actress has beendivorcedfrom her husband. ...
Research has shown a rising divorce rate and reasons as to why this may be the case. Some of these reasons are women's independence, economic issues, infidelity, and finally role confusion. Divorce has negative effects on children especially in areas such as school work, behavior, social and...
The only thing you didn’t rationalize is infidelity on the partner’s behalf. Is divorce acceptable if they refuse to stay in a committed, monogamous relationship? Is the risk to your personal health worth less than toughing it out? Where is the value in testing positive for HIV or any ...
When opting for a no-fault divorce, couples give up the ability to publicly accuse one another of infidelity, drunkenness, abuse, abandonment, or mental illness. Most states use the generic phrase “irretrievably broken” as the reason, so no blame is assigned, and the court moves on to ...
Research suggests that common reasons for divorce include lack of intimacy, lack of commitment, infidelity, and basic incompatibility. Other prevalent causes are constant conflict, financial differences, addiction, and abuse. Many people articulate the root of their divorce as a betrayal—of expectations...