Robert Diamond Esq., of counsel to the firm, has practiced family law in the state for more than 50 years. He is a former certified civil trial lawyer by the New Jersey Supreme Court and a founding member of the New Jersey chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Lynn Matit...
2003. "Changing Patterns of Legal Representation in Divorce: From Lawyers to Pro Se." Journal of Law and Society 30 (March). Phillips, Roderick. 1991. Untying the Knot. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press. Wadlington, Walter. 1990. Domestic Relations: Cases and Materials. 2d ed. ...
Going through a contested divorce can be costly. Both parties need to hire expensive lawyers and can wind up spending tens of thousands of dollars on hourly fees. If you and your spouse are looking to resolve your differences amicably, there is a more cost effective way. Divorce mediation can...
Woody Mosten with participants of his 2012 Basic 3 Day Mediation Course sponsored by the Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center in Los Angeles.Lawyer to Peacemaker - A Hero's Journey To The Heart February 25, 2018 The Hero’s Journey is the story of many lawyers in the world who ...