The first thing you need is a solid understanding of how North Carolina divorce laws work. This site guides you through the basic substance of separation and marital dissolution law in North Carolina. With this information, you can better grasp the overall outline of the separation and NC divorc...
Table 1. Summary statistics of key variables for individual-level data (N = 16,456). Variable Divorce Mint Intimp Intchat Intmet Intime T Gender Urban Difage Difeduc Childn Ecosta Socsta Region Definition Marital status Use of mobile Importance of the Internet in obtaining information ...
Alienation of Affection Laws in NC Amended North Carolina is one of the few states that still allow what is termed “heart balm” statutes, such as the claims of Alienations of Affections and Criminal Conversation. Both of these claims can be asserted by a spouse against at third party (i...