He was an alcoholic, not abusive, but embarrassing, and I got tired of it. I remarried, divorced, now I’m living with by BF. (I’m 67). Jumping to the point…two of my girls live in OK, one in TX (the middle one, just turned 40). She recently had a baby and I decided ...
As an older teenager my mom told me she stayed with my alcoholic filandering father for seven years, but the STDs he kept bringing home to her became more than she could bear. How can anyone blame her for divorcing him? The last memory I have of him in our house was of him with my...
Pranav gains the friendship of his neighbor, Jackie, a loner. An advocate by profession, Jackie is also a hardcore alcoholic with a very cool and unconventional attitude towards life. This growing intimacy between the two of them creates insecurity in the minds of Sidharth and Renuka, who try...
Jolie claims Pitt had consumed alcoholic beverages during the flight, and poured beer on her. She described feeling "scared” and “like a hostage," during the alleged altercation. When describing her injuries, Jolie said she had a "rug-burn type wound on her right hand.”...
But that’s the point that his father seemed to miss. Look, I know my ex does not live an easy life. And I know he aint rich – but I also know he aint poor. He’s bringing his wife and two small children to Indonesia with him, and no matter the free hotel rooms, that shit...
alcoholic husbands.” Many of these women suffer in silence in the Philippines. And yet, they are confined to their hopeless situation because of the lack of a divorce law. It is obvious that most of people who are in favor in legalization of divorce in Philippines are women. We cannot ...
Divorcing an alcoholicor anaddictcauses a divorce to become more unpredictable and adds fees and costs because children may not be safe with the substance abusing parent. That potential danger may require addiction experts and more contested court hearings. ...
Marriage breakdown due to child abuse Physical child abuse, like physical domestic violence, should be non-negotiable. The first incident should be last. Emotional abuse of the child rarely leads to an immediate marriage breakdown. Like emotional abuse of a spouse, the non-abusing spouse has to...
Iwasonanti-depressants,mentallyill,anddiagnosedwithseveralmajormental disordersbutmyhusbandstuckitoutandtrustedGod.Iwasanalcoholicthefirstfive yearsofourmarriageandGarrettoftencameinthemiddleofthenighttorescuemein theemergencyroom.Icheatedonhimwithothermenandheforgaveme.Heshowed mealoveIhadneverknownbefore.How...
I read sometime back that depression is like a third person in between two loving people, and its so true. I am hoping things will be okay because I love both my wife and daughter a lot. Reply