If you're struggling to get back on your feet financially, you'll find solutions to help you take control of your money issues. There are tips on handling credit and debt problems, setting a budgeting you can live on, different ways to save money, and career tips to help boost your inc...
then litigation. It is important to have a local Detroit divorce attorney to fight for you during the case. They will gather evidence during something called the Discovery process and prepare your case for trial. An uncontested divorce is where a couple executes a settlement agreement resolving al...
When it comes to dividing a marital asset or marital debt if you live in anequitable distributionstate, the parties (you and your divorcing spouse) are to come to a fair, but not necessarily equal, property division. Whereas if you live in acommunity propertystate, the parties are to divid...
However, if the debt was assumed during the marriage, it is likely the responsibility of both parties, at least to some degree, and can get messy. Life insurance policies in divorce settlement Every mom should consider a life insurance policy, even moms with no income of their own. ...
Settlement Agreements Child Support Child Support Modification Child Custody Child Custody Modification Parental Relocation Grandparents' Rights Unmarried Parents Fathers' Rights Paternity Appeals Protection Orders Restraining Orders Contact Us Today Have questions about divorce, child custody, support payments or...
In addition to dividing assets, Michigan courts also consider the equitable distribution of debts. Debts acquired during the marriage may be allocated between spouses in a similar manner as assets. The court examines the nature of the debt, who benefited from it, and each spouse’s ability to ...
and the husbands getting stuck with the bill. Divorce can be a devastating nightmare, or it can be worked through by both parties towards a Sustainable Settlement. Neither party should be financial ruined, but both parties should understand that a lifestyle previously shared by one household, can...
The Suffolk County divorce lawyers at Kuhn & Sandler, PLLC have 35+ years' experience. Schedule your FREE consultation today!
InDelaware, a marriage may be annulled if one or both parties got married on a dare or jest.25 InMinnesota, the state has a summary dissolution option, a less expensive and faster form of divorce, that is available so long as the couple has little debt, owns no property, and has less...
Pay in cash: If you and your former partner have the cash to pay for a divorce separately or together as one, consider funding the process as you go. This will help you avoid new debt that can be difficult to pay off later once the divorce is complete. ...