Depending on the jurisdiction, there be special concerns and questions for people in the LGBT community. Our family law attorneys offer highly effective, customized solutions for every couple. Child and Spousal Support The court will consider many factors when determining alimony, also called spousal ...
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Find the right Divorce lawyers in your area fast and easy. Simply describe your case and you will be matched to the top Divorce attorneys near you. Present your case for FREE!
Men have often had an uphill climb to obtain a fair divorce in Pennsylvania. Many old laws and presumptions have historically worked in the favor of women, and some judges are slow to let old habits die. For example, judges used to assume that young children should automatically be placed ...
GLG is well versed in the application and use of Child Support Guidelines in Pennsylvania and New Jersey that are necessary during divorce and the dissolution of the family unit. We strive to ensure that your children receive the support to which they are entitled. We also provide guidance and...
Julie R. Colton,Partner, Obermayer Redmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP Matthew Morley, KLM Attorneys LLC Jessica A. Pritchard,Partner, Antheil Maslow & MacMinn, LLP Ryan P. Sayler, The Law Offices of Colgan & Associates LLC Stephanie Stecklair Tarantino,Partner,Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP ...
in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. She has been involved in the preparation and presentation of numerous educational programs on various issues related to family law through her work on the programming committee. These are programs presented to attorneys that provide them with continuing education credits...
Child Support Attorneys:In Pennsylvania, child support is based upon guidelines that the state has determined to establish how much is needed to support minor children. These guidelines are based upon the incomes or earning capacities of the parents and the number of children in the family, as ...
Some family law firms will not accept cases that involvechild custodyor other common family law issues. Our family law firm provides comprehensive legal advice for all Pennsylvania family law issues, including:divorce,equitable distributionof marital property and debts,spousal support,APL and alimony,pr...
Asked how likely it would be for the doctor to either get his kidney back or get money for it, Arthur Caplan at the University of Pennsylvania's Centre for Bioethics, put it as "somewhere between impossible and completely impossible". First and foremost, said Robert Veatch, a medical ...