Will I lose health insurance coverage when we divorce?Nicole's Question: My husband has started the process of filing for a divorce. We have two children and I am pregnant with the third. My oldest is not his, but he carries insurance on her. He is telling me that once he finalizes ...
InsuranceEmploymentSocial servicesExpensesThere has been concern that the increased divorce rate could make it difficult for many women to retain their health insurance coverage since many women depend on coverage obtained through their husbands' employer. Estimates from the National Medical Care ...
There are many things to consider during divorce and health insurance should be one of them. Having adequate health coverage is important, especially if you have children. The following article describes some of the health care options available when you are separated or going through a divorce. ...
Some states view legal separation as the same as divorce and others don’t. If you’re in a state that views separation as divorce, you may lose health insurance coverage through your spouse as if you were divorced. However, in all states, an employer will probably not allow you to have...
Are you recently divorced and on the hunt for new health insurance coverage? It can be overwhelming to navigate the world of healthcare providers and policies on your Read More » Online Divorce Comparing Online Divorce Services: It’s Over Easy Vs Divorcewriter If you’re considering getti...
When a person files for divorce in New York, an automatic order is put in place that prevents either spouse from changing insurance coverage unless they get permission from the court. After a divorce is granted, a spouse may no longer remain on the other’s health insurance plan and they ...
Outlines the options during a divorce proceeding for shares in health insurance. Continuing coverage under your former spouse's group plan for three years at no more than 102% of the total premium with COBRA; For those already covered under COBRA, total coverage time is still 36 months; Changi...
After a few years, Kate undergoes extensive surgery and her back problems are gone. She also obtains a job in which her employer's health insurer is willing to provide her with coverage. Because Kate no longer needs Robert's insurance, Kate and Robert now convert their legal separation into...
and to maintain benefits they receive as a married couple such as health insurance coverage (should the medical provider allow you to do so), social security and pension benefits. Filing a legal separation may also provide the ability to receive tax benefits as you are still legally married whi...
And this loss is not temporary: women's overall rates of health insurance coverage remain depressed for more than two years after divorce. "Given that approximately one million divorces occur each year in the U.S., and that many women gethealth coveragethrough their husbands, the impact is qu...