Adoption of the divisional for M of organisation structure has been explained with reference to size. The present author (Donaldson 1982a) has argued against this view and asserted that strategy is a more compelling explanation theoretically and empirically. Grinyer (1982) has defended the argument ...
In a divisional organisation, head office management needs to evaluate the performance of its divisions. This article discusses three measures which could be used to measure divisional financial performance – Return on investment (ROI), residual investment (RI) and econo...
However it is not all that often that a company has to look at itself critically and to make a decision that the complete structure of the organisation requires changing. Just over a year ago Tecalemit (Engineering) Ltd. at Plymouth decided to do just this on a product orientated basis. ...
名词 di·vi·sion·al ˈjudge 名词 di·vi·sion·al[dɪˈvɪʒənəl]形不变的 divisional Abteilungs- divisional军事 Divisions- divisional体育 Liga- divisionalmanager Abteilungsleiter(in)m(f)<-s, -; -, -nen> divisionalcommander ...
UniversityofSurrey TheconceptofMulti-divisionalformoforganisation(M-form)hasbeenintroduced withtheworkofAlfredChandler(1962)onthedivisionalstructureofthefirm.Accordingto Chandler,theM-formfacilitatesgrowththroughdiversificationacrossproducts,industriesand marketsandincludesthenotionofdelegationofpowerandauthorityto...
In a divisional organisation, head office management needs to evaluate the performance of its divisions. This article discusses three measures which could be used to measure divisional financial performance – Return on investment (ROI), residual investment (RI) and ...
Organisation structureLittle research exists on the effects of organisational structure on the public relations function. This study focuses on the effects of structural changes on an internal communication function in a large South African organisation. In this organisation internal communication consultants...
Chapter 3 has already considered both how an increase in an organisation's size may lead to problems if a centralised and unitary control structure is maintained and how divisional structures were developed to balance the problems of allowing sufficient specialisation and yet providing an integration ...
Multi-divisional FormfirmorganisationstructureConceptual overview, critical commentary and future directionsEmanuela TodevaUniversity Library of Munich, GermanyMPRA Paper
In a divisional organisation, head office management needs to evaluate the performance of its divisions. This article discusses three measures which could be used to measure divisional financial performance – Return on investment (ROI), residual investment (RI) and economic...