The exact name of the corporation or business entity. The Department of State ID number or the exact date of formation or authorization, if known. A statement as to whether the request is for routine processing or expedited processing.
This system worked reasonably well for many years, but from 1930 to 1954the number of motor vehicles in use throughout the country had risen from 2,273,661 to 5,825,447. Nowhere was this increase reflected more than in London, where the need for a more comprehensive form of traffic ...
State of Florida Division of Bond Finance Notice The following Official Statement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy bonds. It is marked with a dated date and speaks only as of that date, which may be prior to the date the Official Statement was ...
VOL. .56‐ NO.3● Summer̲2002 24th infontry Divisloつ ´ ИcrOr/DMsllll"‐鰊ほl闊罐墨理‐墓 .― │― ・ │‐ │ 鶴 ‐g 'I pldge allegjancc to the flag of the Unttcd Sfdes of Amertca and to the Republlc for whtch it sfiands, one ndlon under God...
placed defendant under arrest for obstruction based on his lack of cooperation and then took defendant to a hospital for a blood draw. At the hospital, defendant continued to be uncooperative and balked at permitting the blood draw. He stated that he wanted to make a phone call to ask ...
his motor vehicle on a lift to check it for a GPS device, and to discard any such device. A-0291-17T4 3 Lowery consented to an electronic search of his phone and showed the police a picture of a license plate he had texted to defendant. The investigators ...