Shelby County lays off 31 workers -- Division of Planning and Development workload slips with construction downturnAlex Doniach
houses, General government administration, Local government, General government administration, County government Memphis City Government Memphis City Government is a local government entity based in Memphis, TN, dedicated to serving the community through various administrative functions and public services. Wi...
PRODUCT & SERVICES HELP Tennessee and the West Grand Division: the Memphis Area Association of Governments (MAAG) is a voluntary association of local governments providing communication, cooperation, and coordination by assisting its membership with economic development, community development, and intergove...
“Over the past 3 years, healthcare and life sciences companies have invested nearly $200 million in our state,” Bob Rolfe, commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development, said. “Growth in this sector results in high-wage, high-growth job opportunities for Tenne...
VOL. .56‐ NO.3● Summer̲2002 24th infontry Divisloつ ´ ИcrOr/DMsllll"‐鰊ほl闊罐墨理‐墓 .― │― ・ │‐ │ 鶴 ‐g 'I pldge allegjancc to the flag of the Unttcd Sfdes of Amertca and to the Republlc for whtch it sfiands, one ndlon under God...