2. COMMENT: The New Jersey Builders Association (NJBA) applauds the Department of Community Affairs(DCA) for the diligent, thorough, and responsible review of the model codes in an effort to provide that all buildingsand dwelling units constructed in New Jersey are safe, efficient, and ...
Presented by the Warren County Cultural & Heritage Affairs, Division of the Department of Land Preservation, supported by theWarren County Board of Chosen Commissioners, and funded in part by the New Jersey State Councilon the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment f...
The next day, July 10, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) employees Wayne Luker and Theodore Doyle were performing their daily task of cleaning the rest areas along Routes 70 and 72. At the Butler Place Rest Area on Route 72, Luker noticed some non-DOT trash bags around the t...
“It’ll be the biggest project the port has ever undertaken,” said Kayla Dunlap, the port’s director of government and public affairs. “Prior to that, it was the rail improvements in 2011 and 2012. This is double that.” The project is a partnership with Ag Processing Inc. (AGP),...
VOL. .56‐ NO.3● Summer̲2002 24th infontry Divisloつ ´ ИcrOr/DMsllll"‐鰊ほl闊罐墨理‐墓 .― │― ・ │‐ │ 鶴 ‐g 'I pldge allegjancc to the flag of the Unttcd Sfdes of Amertca and to the Republlc for whtch it sfiands, one ndlon under God...
HUD requires its Community Planning Development grantees to submit a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for each program year. The Department of Local Affairs' most recent program year that ran from April 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012. This CAPER reports on DOLA's pe...
His government experience included working in the Office of Political Affairs at the White House for President George H.W. Bush. His commitment to his community has also included serving on the elected school committee in East Longmeadow for seven years and chairmanship of the Board of Trustees ...
This joint effort of both divisions, together with the Information Technology organisation, will focus on the areas of finance, supply chain management, regulatory affairs and product safety. This business transfor- mation will be supported by the implementation of a single integrated information ...
Dvorak, Blake D