Blizzard plans to make seasons last nine weeks, with three or four new heroes added yearly. If you play games like Apex Legends or Valorant, this cadence of releases should be familiar to you. Keller and Spector claim that other successful free-to-play games aren't what caused Blizzard to ...
在名教练Chet转向VALORANT后,他们更是一直没有教练压阵。而明星选手jks即将离队的消息,或许就是压倒这支困境中队伍的最后一根稻草。目前还不清楚100 Thieves是否会延续ESL职业联赛和BLAST Premier的合作及赛事名额,他们正在进行的IEM纽约站是否也会随着jks退出而发生变化,具体情况还有待100 Thieves官方通告。