特技就的话,机会攻击Opportunist,处决Executioner,还有加血的那个Picture of health必点,其他推荐living armor,其他看情况,hot head什么的都可以点。技能还可以点一点盗贼,学一下肾上腺素,关键时候多两个行动点很有用。罗莎:气水死灵法师,死灵魔法后期简直大杀器,这个build不是最优化的build,不过更多样化。气系魔法有...
For NPCs this talent will remain Living Armor.- NPC Living Armor restores 30% of both Physical and Magic Armor. This should make enemies with Lifesteal / Necromancy notably more durable given they would only heal much by hitting squishy characters. Unlike the vanilla version this custom script ...
Reactive Armor Skillbook Blank Skillbook Earth Reactive Armor Scroll Earthquake Skillbook Blank Skillbook Earth Earthquake Scroll Siphon Poison Skillbook High Tier Blank Earth Skillbook Siphon Poison Scroll Living Wall Skillbook High Tier Blank Earth Skillbook Living Wall Scroll Pyroclastic Eruption Skill...
Massive Oily Carapace (2 Geomancer, 2 Warfare): you and your allies suck up Oil and restore Physical armor based on the amount. Siphon Poison (3 Geomancer): consume Poison surfaces and clouds, gaining increased Poison damage on your weapon. Living Wall (3 Geomancer): Block a path and ...
This page of theDivinity Original Sin 2guide contains tips on how to acquire five different parts of Braccus Rex's armor. We also list the unique stat bonuses obtained when using items from this set. While you were doing Withermoore's Soul Jar you have probably noticed that there are items...
You are now prepared for the final chapter of Divinity Original Sin 2. Check every vendor and spend your last bit of gold for equipment and skills since you won't need it anymore. Before you head to the cathedral and take the path of blood, make sure you have done the personal quests...
There are multiple endings to Original Sin 2, so the canonical ending in this case is that the Source has left the world. That means Lucian is still leading the Divine Order but he’s no longer with The Divine. They still call him The Divine but he no longer has that power. The on...
It must be said that Original Sin looks and sounds absolutelyfantastic. The environments are absolute stunners, with beautiful, colour-rich detail everywhere you look. It feels lush, like a living painting, and goes a long way to make up for those corny glitter sky-high heels and cutesy hear...
This mod allows you to buy dyes from certain vendors and make Cloth, Leather and Metal helmets dyeable. It's working fine on the last build of Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition.
You must be all playing explorer mode if you dont see the destructive point of this skill. It's supposed to be casted on somebody else(with high base damage to make it more obvious) together with other skills like haste, death wish, living on the edge for example. ...