裝備選擇:武器必帶爆擊。裝備儘量帶有以下屬性:Strength/Wits/暴擊率/雙巧手/Warfare戰爭系/Scoundrel狡詐系/Necromancer死靈系。 簡述:WoW一直玩戰士最多,最喜歡一心狂怒戰,以及當初玩DAO的時候,最高難度開荒就是用的雙持狂暴戰,這次也算是繼續信仰了。DOS2裡,單手劍錘斧是不能背刺的,但是依舊傷害爆棚。核心理念...
体感真的非常割裂。 像是双防设计不合理、necromancer法师不知道为什么竟然是物理伤害全靠战场技艺堆倍数、武器的面板伤害数值跟最终用学派技能打出来的伤害数值没丁点关系只要技能点高了哪怕拿着菜刀也能砍出高法术伤害这种诡异的设计(盾战其实光靠一个盾就能打出高伤害秒怪了,但跟力量加点啥的一点关系都没有,力量...
The important thing to know is most Combat Abilities scale poorly, or not at all. Each point you put into Necromancer increases Life Steal by 10%. That’s notuseless, but it also doesn’t cause your Necromancy spells to hit harder – those generally scale by Intelligence, which has its o...
Original Sin 2's class system is very flexible, so don't worry if you'd prefer your chosen healer be something else down the line. As a Cleric they'll get points in Hydrosophist and Necromancer, both of which support lots of cool, non-healing related spells. And you can completely cha...
Class called "Blood Witch", A necromancer/hydrosophist that is really powerful alongside a "Storm Spring", an aerotheurge/summoner. #16313366 By Anonymous - Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:19 am 0 Inquisitor is wrong #17117491 By Anonymous - Sun May 26, 2024 10:01 am 0 Yeah! Just look ...
Original Sin 2's class system is very flexible, so don't worry if you'd prefer your chosen healer be something else down the line. As a Cleric they'll get points in Hydrosophist and Necromancer, both of which support lots of cool, non-healing related spells. And you can completely cha...