在飞行训练场里,就算空中射箭耗尽耐力,再次张开滑翔伞时耐力会恢复,所以不必慌张,仔细瞄准即可。 向Temba 证明自己的实力后,他会给你20发爆弹箭,打风之神兽时用得上。 之后就可以准备去挑战风之神兽了。需要准备好防寒措施和回复品:防寒措施么,之前在村子里就买了羽绒衣;在飞行训练场里可以做料理、药品。 风神...
Before heading back inside and while the beast is tilted, go around the outside of the head. Look down at the under side of the beast. There’s some Blight down there along with two maws. Shoot the eye then, drop down. But don’t tilt. You’ll die. Instead, float along the under...
在此期间,乘隙继续向 Boss 射击,当 Boss 降到地面时别放过贴脸输出的机会。 BOSS 战后获得心之容器,英杰能力 “英傑リーバルの猛り”,长按 X,可以平地起风。 随剧情回到利德之村,和长老对话,获得英杰武器,一把**齐射的弓。