A director of pvt ltd company holding 33 shares takes loan from his company and returns back the entire amount with 9 interest over a period of time pl advise if this comes under deemed dividend us 2 22 and will that loan amount will be taxed as income i
000from a company or mutual fund under section Section 194. But as a COVID-19 relief measure, the government had reduced theTDS rate to 7.5%for distribution from 14 May 2020 until 31 March 2021.Though TDS is deducted the Dividend is still taxed as per your Income Slab Rates. So you ne...
section 196D and other applicable provisions of the Act as per the rates in force i.e. the TDS rate shall be at 20% (plus applicable surcharge and cess) on the amount of dividend. However, as per Section 90 of the Act, you have an option to be governed by the provisions of the ...