资本利得税(capital gain tax)主要针对投资者在出售或交易股票、债券、房产、土地或土地使用权等资产时,因资产增值而产生的收益征税。具体来说,当投资者卖出资产时,如果销售价格高于购买成本,则产生的差额即为资本利得。资本利得税是对这些资本利得部分进行征税。股息红利税(dividend tax)则是指从股...
capital from treasury stock transactions 库存股本交易所得资本 相似单词 dividend n. 1. 红利,股息,股利 2.【英】(足球彩票的)彩金 3.【数】被除数 Dividend 被除数或称为分子,执行除法运算时,被另一数目所除的数目,也就是一值分数中的分子。 capital n. 1.首都,首府,省会 2.资本,资金 3.大写字母...
Milan points to company balance sheets, profit-and-loss statements and the level of free cash flow, calculated as the operating cash flow minus capital expenditures, as good metrics to review. Since dividends are paid from a company's free cash flow, a company's ability to generate free cash...
dividend tax 是股息红利税(即利息、股息、红利所得作为个人收入要交税)capital gain tax 资本利得税(指股票、债券、房产、土地或土地使用权等,在出售或交易时发生收入大于支出而取得的收益,即资产增值。资本利得税是对资本利得所征的税。简单而言就是对投资者证券买卖所获取的价差收益(资本利得)...
dividendpayableincapitalstock网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 dividend payable in capital stock 美 英 un.以股票支付的股息 英汉 un. 1. 以股票支付的股息 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft
Capital stock 股本 low dividend stock 【经】 低股利股票 相似单词 dividend n. 1. 红利,股息,股利 2.【英】(足球彩票的)彩金 3.【数】被除数 Dividend 被除数或称为分子,执行除法运算时,被另一数目所除的数目,也就是一值分数中的分子。 payable adj. 1. 应付;可偿付 2. 应付予(抬头人、收款人...
Open An Account View Disclosure Related: How to Analyze a Stock's Dividend How to Calculate a Dividend Payout Ratio Once you've determined the annual dividends that a company has paid, the dividend payout ratio calculation is straightforward. Divide the company's dividend payments by its net ...
dividend payable in capital stock是什么意思:经 应付股票股利...,dividend payable in capital stock中英例句,英汉词典。
A capital dividend is a dividend paid out of a company’s base shareholder equity. This differs from a regular dividend, which is paid out of profits that have been earned on top of shareholders’ equity. Generally, companies will only elect to pay a capital dividend if they haven’t made...
Dividendincome is paid out of the profits of a corporation to the stockholders. It is considered income for that tax year rather than a capital gain. However, the U.S. federal government taxesqualified dividendsas capital gains instead of income. Key Takeaways Capital gains are profits tha...