【TMS乐器代理】Divided By 13 FTR37+2x12F Cab | “FTR 37不但完美呈现了经典的美式和英式音色,他能给你的音色塑造能力甚至超乎你的想象。通过拨挡旋钮,他可以让你得到多种经典的清音音色;而且他的过载和失真音色也毫不含糊,配合我们制作的Switchazel单块,你几乎可以得到所有录音室所需要的音色!“FTR 37是一台...
#dividedby13 #dividedbythirteen #handbuiltamp #jrt915 3486 Open Seeing double this Monday? You`re not alone. Two white FTR 37s, twice the tone, and double the inspiration to kickstart your week. 4274 Open
01:11 Divided by 13 FTR37 Amp 上传者:supermanjp6 02:11 Divided by 13 FTR37 上传者:supermanjp6 04:55 Divided by 13 FTR37 上传者:supermanjp6 02:37 DIVIDED BY 13 FTR 3;7 上传者:supermanjp6 06:27 Divided by 13 FTR37 上传者:supermanjp6 01:59 DIVIDED BY 13 JRT 9;15 上传者:supe...