Use PTYPE to set the style and size of all point objects in a drawing. Block Places specified blocks at equal intervals along the selected object. The blocks will be inserted on the plane in which the selected object was originally created. If the block has variable attributes, these attribu...
你用用看这个怎么样吧.去土巴兔的资源下载中心帮你找下C A D 快捷键大全常用C A D 快捷键汇总( com /sdhtf1108 [A I PS C D R 3D C A D ]群招募加入 Point, line, circle, arc命令 1. 下拉菜单: 绘图/点/(单点/多点) 命令: PO IN T(PO ) 作用: 用于绘制辅助标记点. 特征点及标注点等...