Why diversity and inclusion? 1. Represent and respond to a diverse stakeholder base 2. Attract and retain the best employees 3. Improve productivity, innovation, teamwork and decision makingAnita ReMartinezCI Energy Group s 3rd Annual EPCM for Mining & Energy Projects: Calgary, AB, October 20-...
Individual Competencies for Managing Diversity in the Workplace 热度: ManagingDiversity–anAccenturePerspective * WhatwilltheAccenturePerspectiveonManagingDiversitygiveyou TheRoleofHRinmanagingDiversity–AnAccentureperspective. DiversityandInclusion–anAccentureSAPerspectivies ...
About Us. Integrity: We demonstrate this cornerstone of our profession through honesty, accountability and high ethical standards. Respect: We create. USCGC MOHAWK HUMAN RELATIONS POLICY STATEMENT As professionals in the United States military, we are directly responsible for the workplace environment. ...
The colors used in the animations are all bright ones to mesmerize your audience. A space is provided for you below the diagram to enter your texts and facts about the topic. This diversity ppt presentation is available at an affordable cost, so make use of them now!
AreasofWorkplaceDiversity •ValuingDiversity –Theorganizationseesdirectbenefitsfromincorporatingdiversepeopleandperspectives.–INCLUSION:Thegoalistochangeand/orcreateaorganizationalculturethatrecognizes,respectsandencouragesindividualdifferences.DiversityBias •AssumptionsofSuperiority –I’mbetterthanyou.•Assumptionsof...
34 Diversity and Inclusion disclosures 5 Why have a diversity policy in place - and talk about it? Doing the bare minimum will have you covered in these two aspects... ...but going one step further will help you stand out from the pack. The Differentiating 1. The business imperative ...
MANAGING WORKPLACE DIVERSITY - Ministry of Manpower 管理工作场所的多样性-人力资源部 热度: 第四章管理多样性员工Managing diverse employee in diverse environment 热度: 第六章 Organizational Cultures and Diversity组织文化与多样性 国际企业与跨文化管理课件 ...
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion A Rights Based Framework :多样性,平等和包容权利为基础的框架 热度: 第六章 Organizational Cultures and Diversity组织文化与多样性 国际企业与跨文化管理课件 热度: Equality and Diversity What are they? What is the difference?
harassmentincidentsImproveworkplacerelationsBuildmoreeffectiveworkteamsImproveorganizationalproblemsolvingImprovecustomerserviceEnhancedrecruitmentefforts DiversityManagementbuildsuponEEO,butdoesnotreplaceit “By2050,theU.S.populationisexpectedtoincreaseby50%andminoritygroupswillmakeupnearlyhalfofthepopulation….Thepopulationof...