论文阅读:Diverse Beam Search--Decoding Diverse Solutions from Neural Sequence Models,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
假定beam大小为K,则在当前时刻t时刻,针对K个beam中的每一个,扩充K个词,即在后面后缀一个词,这样K个beam便可以生成K * K个新增的beam,可以如下表示 随后按照下式选择得分最高的K个作为新的beam,给下一个时刻使用 Diversity-promoting Beam Search 这个方法可以对应到上图中的右边的方法,即将每一个前置beam内部...
Bidirectional Beam Search: Forward-Backward Inference in Neural Sequence Models for Fill-in-the-Blank Image Captioning We develop the first approximate inference algorithm for 1-Best (and M-Best) decoding in bidirectional neural sequence models by extending Beam Search (BS)... Q Sun,S Lee,D Bat...
🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch Now vllm cannot support diverse beam search which transformers already supports(https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/generation_strategies#diverse-beam-search-decoding), will you implement diverse ...
However, the frequently used random methods such as sampling or noised beam search, although can output diverse back-translations, often generate noisy synthetic sentences. To alleviate this problem, we propose a simple but effective constraint random decoding method for back-translation. The proposed ...
ER Train/Dev Decoding the emotional aspect of spoken expressions ER Train/Dev Discerning and recognizing emotions in spoken language ER Train/Dev Assessing and labeling the emotional state of spoken utterances ER Train/Dev Grasping the emotional intent behind spoken words ER Train/Dev Uncovering and ...
Diverse Beam Search: Decoding Diverse Solutions from Neural Sequence Models Neural sequence models are widely used to model time-series data in many fields. Equally ubiquitous is the usage of beam search (BS) as an approximate inference algorithm to decode output sequences from these models. BS ...