Divergent Evolution;Evolution;Haldane, J. B. S.;Natural Selection;Phylogeny;Phylogeography;Population Genomics/Macro vs Microevolution;Species;Species Trees. View chapterExplore book Hybrid sterility in plant: stories from rice YidanOuyang, ...QifaZhang, inCurrent Opinion in Plant Biology, 2010 ...
Here, we document divergent dynamics in the evolution of habitat and sexual isolation within versus between species. Specifically, we show that habitat isolation is independent of genomic differentiation within species but accumulates linearly with it between species, whereas sexual isolation accumulates lin...
In this article, we test for trends in the evolution of presacral complexity and investigate whether any such trends arose by passive or driven processes. We address three integrated hypotheses: H01, vertebral counts do not differ significantly between major mammal groups; H02, changes in complexit...
DNA-binding specificities were determined for 10 of the 17 expressed HSFs (Fig.2A). To help interpret their evolution, in the figure their DNA targets are overlaid on a phylogenetic tree based on the DNA-binding domains. Also shown are expression patterns of the TFs, presented in the same ...
4C and D for the definition of the OTUs) on host source tracking. The training set: test set is 5:5 and the bootstrapping number is 100. The dashed line indicates the upper boundary of 90% confidence interval. Fisher’s exact test is applied to compare the samples above and within ...
The two fungal nodes that present the largest compositional shift towards Fungi-related functional categories are, on the one hand, the stem node of Dikarya (Ascomycota + Basidiomycota) (+1.9%; Fig.1d), which experienced genetic changes that could have predisposed the evolution of complex multicell...
(L1 × 640-dimentional vector) for protein sequence L1. And the same definition for\({M}_{L2}\). The first term is the dot product of the feature profile vectors of sites i and j when they are matching. The second term is the secondary structure matching score. In this term, ...
To what extent has evolution conserved and tuned the response to temperature—particularly in the condensation response, for which only data for a handful of proteins exists? How similar are the molecules which form temperature-triggered condensates across species? How, if at all, are phenotypes con...
S. cer (2) # pairs found: 354 99 1 696 700 b 0.8 0.6 * ** Divergent Tandem Convergent c 0.4 0.3 Lost Newly formed Conserved 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 All CES > 3 CES < 1.5 0.0 012345 CES Figure 6 | Evolution of DGPs across whole-genome duplication. (a) Definition of 'conserved', ...
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I molecules generally bind short peptides (8–10 amino acids), although extended HLA-I restricted peptides (>10 amino acids) can be presented to T cells. However, the function of such extended HLA-I epitopes in tumour immunity, and how they would be recognised...