(2014) Policy Convergence, Divergence and Communities: The Case of Spatial Planning in Post-Devolution Britain and Ireland. Planning Practice & Research. 29(5): 508-524.Morphet, J., Clifford, B. (2014). Policy convergence, divergence and communities: the case of spatial planning in post-...
Westermann, Diedrich. 1927.Die westlichen Sudansprachen und ihre Beziehungen zum Bantu. Berlin: De Gruyter.10.1515/9783111390192Search in Google Scholar Westermann, Diedrich H. & Margaret Arminel Bryan. 1952.The languages of West Africa. London/New York: Oxford University Press.Search in Google Schol...
Our main analyses test whether value variation and value distinctiveness are increasing or decreasing over time. Increases indicate value divergence, and decreases indicate value convergence. We try to test this relationship as rigorously as possible. For example, we include several robustness checks to ...
CONVERGENCE/DIVERGENCE ANALYSIS AND DIFFERENTIATION IN MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The purpose of this paper is to analyze the economic development and the diversification of the individual regions of the Russian Federation (RF) on the basis of taxonomic indices ...
the particle filter and the ensembleKalman filter, for deterministicdynamical systems. We also establish numerically a relation between filter stability and filter convergence by showing that the Wasserstein distance between filters with two different initial conditions is proportional to the bias or the ...
Analyzes thematic divergence and convergence in Federico Garcia Lorca's poem 'Poema doble del lago Eden.' Themes and variations; Approach to poetic composition; Relationship between lived experience and literary text; Poetic styles.doi:10.1080/000749097760113150...
et alEliezer Ben-Rafael,Yosef Gorny,Yaacov Ro’’i.Contemporary Jewries:Convergence and Divergence.. 2003Ben, E. (2003). Contemporary Jewries: convergen- ces and divergence. Boston: Bill.Ben Rafael, Eliezer, Yosef Gorni, and Yaacov Ro'i, eds. 2003. Contemporary Jewries: Convergence and ...
Measuring the Convergence and Divergence in Urban Street Perception among Residents and Tourists through Deep Learning: A Case Study of Macau. Land 2024, 13, 345. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13030345 AMA Style Shi J, Yan Y, Li M, Zhou L. Measuring the Convergence and Divergence in Urban...
until convergence Ensure: β ^ 0 , β ^ , σ ^ 2 It should be noted that h M M is convex with respect to parameter β 0 , β and has the global minimum with respect to parameter σ 2 , but the original objective function h is not convex with respect to them, so that the...