Kimi to deaBbi, kimD7i to yukGmu HappFiiEbmaj7endo no sF7ono saki dBbe ArikitEbari de,D7keredoGmi___tDmo___shCii Hibi wEbo sugC7oshitai yF7sus4o Kimi to waraBbi, kimD7i to nakGmu BFaddoEbmaj7endo no sF7ono saki dDm7eG7 NandCm7odemo kimi nBb/Do te wo NigirEbm7ishi_...
CAPO 6 [Chords] G (320033) Em7 (022033) Cadd9 (X32033) D (2x0232) G/F# (200233) Am7 (x02213) - listed to the live versions to hear the stumming patterns, but basically hit the bass note then up up down on the lower strings (↑↑↓) then slap stop. [Intro] G - G/F# -...