The Upper East Region is situated in the north-eastern corner of Ghana. It shares borders with Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, the North East Region to the south, and the Upper West Region to the west (Fig. 1). The region occupies a land mass of 8842 square kilometres...
A household questionnaire was administered to 50 randomly selected households in each health sub-district. Study area The study area included 38 health sub-districts in the Eastern region and 66 in the Western region, covering 5 of the 10 administrative districts from the 2014–15 Malaria ...
Magnetic and ground penetrating radar surveys for the research of Medieval settlements in the inland of the Marche Region (Italy) This work was carried out in the framework of the R.I.M.E.M. project (Research on Medieval settlements in the inland of the Marche Region, Italy.) leaded b.....
Household factors involved in the disease of diarrhea are multifaceted. This study aimed to explore and describe the household factors affecting foodborne diarrhea in children younger than 5 years old using structured questionnaire data based on quantitative tools. The sample size was calculated based on...