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District-wise estimation of Basic reproduction number (R0) for COVID-19 in India in the initial phaseCOVID-19IndiaBasic reproduction numberDoubling timeDistrictsSARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 was introduced into India by multiple sources generating local clusters and leading to the nationwide spread. A ...
State wise Jowar Cultivation and Distribution in India Bajra (Bull Rush Millet) in India: Conditions of Growth, Production and Distribution
(Protein Energyalnutrition)asecameeriousealth problemthetudyite which isemote,illyndorestreasfheatpudaanges.herefore it was genuine necessityoinduthepecific prevalencefllhreeategoriesfalnutritionuchs Kwashiorkor,arasmus,arasmic kwashiorkorndlsooindutge wise distributionfhe PEM ,Sohatheseindingsouldelpo ...
Therefore, we still could not explore the variation in district-wise mortality and its relationship with social development. The mortality indicators in urban areas have their own unique set of problems (Kyu et al., 2013, Bhandari et al., 2002). Another limitation is that, due to the ...
Wind energy is one of the ways, for power generation, and developing countries like India are continually improving its wind energy generation. However, the existing Indian wind energy sector has not explored the wind energy potential of eastern states. The present study analyses the wind energy ...
Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are one of the major noncommunicable diseases, which affect adult women more than men, especially in a lower-middle-income country like India. The study was aimed to understand the district-wise prevalence and spatial distribution of CRDs among reproductive women...
We utilized population projections for the year 2021 provided by the population projections for India and states for calculating the number of women. The district-wise estimation was done using a projection of district-level annual population. Although the GOI has made screeni...
Therefore, with the help of the current research work, we have developed district-wise vulnerability for a broader assessment of climate change impacts in Karnataka.Nair, JyotiManzoor, KaiserNautiyal, Sunil
trend analysisDistrict-wise monsoon (June - September) rainfall trends over Konkan-Goa and Marathwada meteorological subdivisions of India were analyzed in this study using rainfall data for the period 1951-2018. Mean monsoon rainfall is the highest over Konkan-Goa and the lowest over the ...