Food groupsFood intakeData on food intake of pre-school children (3-4 years) of Kaithal district of Haryana state revealed that the subjects were consuming less amount of various foods, viz. cereals, pulses, milk and milk products, green leafy vegetables, and fats and oilswhen compared with ...
Consumer awareness and willingness to purchase probiotic food and beverage products: a study of Sonipat district, HaryanaProbioticConsumption patternKnowledgeConsumer awarenessPurpose – In a developing country like India, consumers are shifting from high-energy diet to balanced nutritional diet, which ...
Dairy Empowering Women and Providing Household Food Security-An Evidence from a Case Study of Karnal Disrict of HaryanaEmpowermentf women iseceivingttentionhe worldvernd India isnefhe nations which is deeplyoncernedbouthis issue. Women empowermentaseen defined differentlyy differe...