在SAP里,分销渠道(distribution channel)是指销售方式的分类,如批发、零售、代销等。它在主数据层与销售组织、产品组等进行组合,对物料主数据、客户主数据、定价条件等进行不同组织层次的维护,主要分配关系有: 销售组织与分销渠道的组合,物料主数据销售视图的两个组织机构之一采用此组合(另一个是工厂),其定义参见《...
一.说明 在SAP里,分销渠道(distribution channel)是指销售方式的分类,如批发、零售、代销等。它在主数据层与销售组织、产品组等进行组合,对物料主数据、客户主数据、定价条件等进行不同组织层次的维护,主要分配关系有: 销售组织与分销渠道的组合,物料主数据销售视图的两个组织机构之一采用此组合(另一个是工厂),其定...
Distribution Channel in SAP is The Channel through which goods sold to Customer as it may Direct sales/Whole sales/ Retail sales.It also different sales statics based on ur distribution channel. That is why u assign one or more distribution channel to a sales organization as u may require to...
Product not scheduled in sales organization XXX,distribution channel,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/entity.d.ts:36 ReturnsDistributionChannelText Properties Protected_customFields _customFields:MapType<any> Inherited fromOperationalAcctgDocItemCube._customFields Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist...
Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/odata/common/entity.d.ts:53 ReturnsDistributionChannelText Properties Protected_customFields _customFields:Record<string,any> Inherited fromOperationalAcctgDocItemCube._customFields Defined in node_modules/@s...
wholesale trade, retail, internet. You need to define at least one distribution channel in the sy...
Distribution Channel - Replicate Replicate distribution channels from SAP S/4HANA Cloud to external systems Overview API Reference API Consumption Documents Introduction The replication logic of this data is handled by the Data Replication Framework (DRF). STATUS ACTIVE TYPE SOAP LAST MODIFIE...
requirements that you will need to map in SAP through configuration. During configuration, you can carry out various settings that control the process setup, such as the following: 客制化菜单: 你可以配置和定制sap系统来达到你组织的特殊要求。销售和分销(SD)模块的开发已经考虑了多个业务流程和各种行业...
Distribution Channel VTWEG text information is inTVTWT, Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels: Texts table in fieldVTEXT. Here is a small ABAP code part of a larger ABAP program where I read the text of VTWEG - distribution channel for the login language fromTVTWTSAP table. ...