如何修复windows 10错误distributedcom 10016? 解决方案:删除注册表项 建议您在尝试进行任何更改之前保存注册表值的副本。只有以管理员身份登录或启用了管理权限时,该解决方案才有效。 --导航到您的搜索框并输入“regedit”。 --将显示搜索结果列表,您可以单击regedit将其打开。 --将鼠标移动到“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFT...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-client/application-management/event-10016-logged-when-accessing-dcom 如果你也遇到过类似问题,可以来讨论一下。
事件 ID: 10016 任务类别: 无 级别: 警告 关键字: 经典 用户: WIN-KB0FO51QJTU\A...
If your personal computer has Windows 8 or 10, you may have encountered Distributedcom error 10016. This common error means that the account administrator does not have rights when the application is about to start the DCOM server. For your information, even after the update system, it is not...
windows server R2版本,在使用过程中,系统日志频繁出现”DistributedCOM“错误,事件ID:10016 遇到事件查看器错误的问题请参考以下步骤 1.win+r输入regedit打开注册表编辑器,(操作前备份一下注册表) 2.展开HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID,找到并右键{316CDED5-E4AE-4B15-9113-7055D84DCC97}点击权限,...
DistributedCOM Errors (Event ID 10016,10005,10010) DistributedCOM Event ID 10000 DisturbedCOM server permission issues. DNS lookup investigation DNS MMC could not create the snap-in Document Folder Redirection causing the folder to rename to My Documents Documents printing in random order when selected...
DistributedCOM id 10016 Question Wednesday, May 31, 2017 3:12 AM |1 vote This question is identical to the one on this linked page for Windows 8.1 Pro 32bit dated Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:08 PM https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8acb7ea3-71b0-4f4a-b78a-8d9c8d...
From what I have understood, you are getting a DCOM event ID 10016 related error on your system. Please be assured that we are here to help you with it. Getting a DCOM error with an Event ID 10016 means that a program tried to start the DCOM server by using the DCOM infrastructure,...
<Data Name="param11">不可用</Data> </EventData> </Event> 日志名称: System 来源: Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM 日期: 2020/5/21 8:42:33 事件ID: 10016 任务类别: 无 级别: 错误 关键字: 经典 用户: SYSTEM 计算机: WINDOWS-RF7NEO6 ...