Pelkey, J., and G. Riley. 2011, March. "Distributed Simulation with MPI in ns-3". In Proceedings Workshop on ns-3.Pelkey, Joshua, Riley, George, 2011. Distributed Simulation with MPI in ns-3. Workshop in ns-3, Barcelona, Spain....
The example programs in src/mpi/examples give a good idea of how to create differenttopologies for distributed simulation. The main points are assigning system idsto individual nodes, creating point-to-point links where the simulation shouldbe divided, and installing applications only on the LP ass...
People have found easy solutions in network simulation tools like NS2. Though NS2 is capable of simulating a large class of net-works with varied protocols, it has two major limitations. First, it provides a simulation of real network which in-evitably brings some bugs and limitations along ...
MPI is used with 128 parallel processes, and the results (Communities) are achieved 5 times faster than the iterative approach without compromising the quality and correctness. The experiment is carried out using an HPC cluster with MPI implementation. A variety of vertex ordering strategies are imp...
Observations In a sequential execution at simulation time T, the event list contains the events with –Receive time stamp greater than T –Send time stamp less than T. Time Warp can restore the execution to a valid state if it retains events with –Send time less than GVT and receive time...
AlxGa1−xN:Mn layers of one Bragg Figure 5. Left panel (a) Room temperature - measured and calculated - reflectivity of the sample #E with 20 Bragg pairs confirming the agreement between measurement and simulation. Right panel (b) Low temperature PL comparing the sample #F with the ...
NVRAM cache communicates with PFS through MPI I/O, which gives an instant support for many file systems. We assume that each node is equipped with its own NVRAM device and it participates in a distributed cache. On each node a single thread, called a cache manager, is spawned – it is ...
Related work: look, in this area, there are a huge number of systems, that's why you are here, lots of systems. Ray is complimentary to TF, MXNet, PyTorch, etc. We use these systems to implement DNNs. We integrate with TF and PyT. There are more general systems, like MPI and Spar...
An alternative conservative synchronization method requests a global consensus among LPs (through calls to collecting methods such as MPI_Allgather)Jared IveyGeorge RileyBrian SwensonProceedings of the Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation...
One existing Message Passing Interface (MPI) based distributed memory parallel implementation of Louvain algorithm has shown scalability to only 16 processors. In this work, first, we design a shared memory based algorithm using Open MultiProcessing (OpenMP), which shows a 4-fold speedup but is ...