Economic globalization has transformed many manufacturing enterprises from a single-plant production mode to a multi-plant cooperative production mode.The distributed flexible job-shop scheduling problem(DFJSP)has become a research hot topic in the field of scheduling because its production is closer to...
An effective genetic algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem 热度: Research on Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem under Uncertainty based on Genetic Algorithm 热度: a hybrid genetic algorithm for dual-resource constrained job shop scheduling problem ...
The Distributed and Flexible Job-shop Scheduling problem (DFJS) considers the scheduling of distributed manufacturing environments, where jobs are processed by a system of several Flexible Manufacturing Units (FMUs). Distributed scheduling problems deal with the assignment of jobs to FMUs and with det...
Flexible job shop scheduling (FJSP) stands as one of the most pivotal scheduling problems, attracting considerable research efforts aimed at discovering improved solutions. The distributed variant of FJSP, which extends the problem’s scope, has garnered substantial interest among scholars. Recognizing ...
Wu X, Liu X (2018) An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Solving a Distributed Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem. In: Reveliotis S, Cappelleri D, Dimarogonas DV et al. (eds) 2018 IEEE 14th international conference on automation science and engineering, IEEE international conference...
The general distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem (DFJSP) involves three sub-problems: (1) operation-sequencing, (2) job-to-cell assignment, and (3) operation-to-machine assignment. Due to the variety of operations involved in large-scale and complex workpieces, it is difficult for...
Evolutionary game based real-time scheduling for energy-eff i cientdistributed and f l exible job shopJin Wanga , Yang Liu b , c , * , Shan Ren a , ** , Chuang Wang a , Wenbo Wang da School of Modern Posts, Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi’an, 710061, ...
More energy-efficient, intelligent production scheduling is thus a major goal. This paper deals with minimising the total production cost of the flexible job-shop scheduling problem. Our method allows each decision-maker in the manufacturing industry to seek a compromise solution for total production ...
Real-time data-driven dynamic scheduling for flexible job shop with insufficient transportation resources using hybrid deep Q network 2022, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Citation Excerpt : Meta-heuristic algorithms are a kind of methods based on computational intelligence to solve complex ...
Mixed-integer linear programming and constraint programming formulations for solving distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem 2020, Computers and Industrial Engineering Show abstract An Effective Cooperative Co-Evolutionary Algorithm for Distributed Flowshop Group Scheduling Problems 2022, IEEE Transactions...