Args: tensor (Tensor): Input and output of the collective. The function operates in-place. op (optional): One of the values from ``torch.distributed.ReduceOp`` enum. Specifies an operation used for element-wise reductions. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. ...
args 中的 world_size 对应demo_basic的 world_size 参数;mp.spawn 中 nprocs 则是创建进程的数量;至于demo_basic中的 rank 参数,应当是框架内部实现了索引机制因此不需要我们显示对应(笔者自己的理解)。 defrun_demo(demo_fn, world_size): mp.spawn(demo_fn, args=(world_size,), nprocs=world_size, joi...
GPU 进程分配 将 GPU 分配给为训练生成的每个进程。import torchimport torch.distributed as distdef train(self, rank, args): current_gpu_index = rank torch.cuda.set_device(current_gpu_index) dist.init_process_group( backend='nccl', world_size=args.world_size, rank=current_gpu_...
This documentation assumes that your build directory is a subdirectory of theceph.gitcheckout. If the build directory is located elsewhere, pointCEPH_GIT_DIRto the correct path of the checkout. Additional CMake args can be specified by setting ARGS before Seecmake options...
args = parser.parse_args() train(0, args) 而这部分则是训练函数 def train(gpu, args): torch.manual_seed(0) model =ConvNet() torch.cuda.set_device(gpu) model.cuda(gpu) batch_size =100# define loss function (criterion) and optimizer ...
AbilityDelegatorArgs AbilityMonitor AbilityStageContext AbilityStateData AbilityStageMonitor ApplicationContext BaseContext Context ErrorObserver ExtensionContext ProcessRunningInfo ProcessInformation UIAbilityContext ShellCmdResult wantAgent TriggerInfo WantAgentInfo 流转
import torch.multiprocessing as mp mp.spawn(main_worker, nprocs=4, args=(4, myargs)) 这里,我们直接将原本需要 torch.distributed.launch 管理的执行内容,封装进 main_worker 函数中,其中 proc 对应 local_rank(当前进程 index),进程数 nproc 对应 4, args 对应 myargs: ...
AbilityDelegatorArgs AbilityMonitor AbilityStageContext AbilityStateData AbilityStageMonitor ApplicationContext BaseContext Context ErrorObserver ExtensionContext ProcessRunningInfo ProcessInformation UIAbilityContext ShellCmdResult wantAgent TriggerInfo WantAgentInfo 流转 @ohos.cont...
Mining is one of the major human activities with widest environmental impacts [14], and mining-impacted environments characterized by high levels of metals are ideal settings to study the direct effects of metals on environmental ARGs [6]. However, very little is currently known about the ARGs ...