However, you cannot copy,distribute,broadcast, or use in any other way, the recordings of this composition that are still protected by related rights. 但是,不能复 制、传播、广播或以其他任何方式使用仍受相关权保护的这些作品的录 音。
在4500万个登记答案中找到你想要的答案! employ (a term) in a proposition so as to refer to all individuals denoted by the term. Physical dissolve uniformly in a solvent consisting of layers of immiscible or partially miscible substances. Printing. to roll out (ink) on the table to attain the proper consistenc...
condition of LDCs, but the # igh-Level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Mid-term Global Review on the Implementation of the Programme of Action and subsequent reviews by the Trade and Development Board clearly showed that the commitments contained in the Programme of Action have not been fully ...
(b) in the medium to long term, after the completion of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass, Road P2 will servetodistributetraffic from the strategic east-west traffic corridor formed by Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Rumsey Street Flyover to the neighbouring areas including Central, Central Reclamation...
strategies, such as outreach and support programmes, the creation of quotas and other proactive and results-oriented measures aimed at achieving substantive equality of women and men in all areas, in particular in the areas of employment, education and participation in political and public life; ...
3. The work term of contract has expired, terminated immediately, any side does not need to inform opposite party ahead of time, this terminus ad quem already regarded as the bilateral each other explicit content.Only if before the party of the first part expires or it in this contract cont...
2. Thepaymentof theassetsin anIRAor otherretirement accountto the account holder or his/her beneficiary. Distributions usually begin after retirement, but may begin before with the payment of applicable penalties. 3. Adividendpaid to a company's ormutual fund'sshareholders. ...
a所以我们从2001年开始在张家营子乡北山村 Therefore we from 2001 started in opened north the family military camp township the mountain village[translate] aI will be more hard-studying in next term.And I will pay more attention to study math and physics.In order to be more and more healthy ...
At the beginning of the new term, the teacher asked several students to help the new books to the students in the class. A.publishB.distributeC.representD.treasure