FracturesLigament lesionsCartilage lesionsOSGFrakturenBandverletzungenKnorpelläsionenAlmost 80% of ankle injuries in sports activities occur in athletics and ball games. 15% of those are contusions, more than 80% ligament lesions and only 2% are fractures. Fractures of the malleoli, the distal ...
Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von topisch angewandter Symphytumkraut-Creme in der Behandlung von Sprunggelenksdistorsionen: Ergebnisse einer randomisierten, kontrollierten klinischen Doppelblindstudie Wiener Med Wschr 2004;154/21-22:498-507.Kucera M, Barna M, Horacek O, Kovarikova J, Kucera A. ...
PRVENTION : Prvention der akuten Distorsion und chronischen Instabilitt des oberen SprunggelenkesSportsankleinstabilityligamentpreventionLigamentous lesions of the ankle are the most common injuries in sports. The risk to suffer an acute ankle sprain depends on intrinsic (hindfoot-alignment, ligamentous...
76. Frakturen und Distorsionen am oberen SprunggelenkAlmost 80% of ankle injuries in sports activities occur in athletics and ball games. 15% of those are contusions, more than 80% ligament lesions and only 2% are fractures. Fractures of the malleoli, the distal tibia and the talus with ...