Understanding fictional events requires one to distinguish reality from fantasy, and thus engages high-level processes including executive functions and imagination, both of which are impaired in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We examined how adults with and without ASD make sense of reality-violating...
Distinguishing reality from fantasy in adults with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from eye movements and reading Understanding fictional events requires one to distinguish reality from fantasy, and thus engages high-level processes including executive functions and im... JWD Ferguson - 《Journal of ...
distinguishing 形容詞 有區別的 同義字詞characteristic,classic,discriminating,distinct,distinctive,identifying,individual,peculiar,proper,symptomatic,typical 動詞distinguish現在分詞: 不及物動詞: 區分, 區別 識別 及物動詞: 區分...(人事物) 區別...(人事物) 使...(人事物)有所區別 分辨出...(人事物) 辨認...
The Textual Contract: Distinguishing Autobiography from the Novel How is autobiography to be generically distinguished from the novel? It is often assumed that autobiography is based more emphatically on fact or reality, the novel on fantasy or imagination. Autobiography is a declared attempt to repres...
If wearing a costume that belongs in Fantasyland, don’t set foot in Tomorrowland—it might Confuse visitors or break the park’s orderly image. Cast members have a Disney “look book” that details the fresh-faced ideal—no long fingernails, beards, or unnaturally colored hair allowed. It...
Understanding fictional events requires one to distinguish reality from fantasy, and thus engages high-level processes including executive functions and imagination, both of which are impaired in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We examined how adults with and without ASD make sense of reality-violating...
How is autobiography to be generically distinguished from the novel? It is often assumed that autobiography is based more emphatically on fact or reality, the novel on fantasy or imagination. Autobiography is a declared attempt to represent the life of the author; the novel may well represent ...