which can completely replace the manual water refill maintenance operation of the battery, real-time monitoring of the battery water shortage, automatic water refill, full water induction automatic stop, after installation, the electrolyte level can be kept in a ...
Dec 15, 2024 Quality is very good, thank you KY, we will continue to cooperate in the future. Translated from Arabic Show original 15cubic meter per hour industrial reverse osmosis irrigation borehole salty water filtration system desalination RO plant...
subsequent to the incident, the contractor has placed additional distilled water carboys in the site vehicles to give workers more convenient access to potable water since early August. legco.gov.hk 在 意外發生後,承建商也遵從勞工處的建議,自 8 月初起進一步在 工程車上加置樽裝水,使工人取用時...